Last Friday and Saturday the Holstein National Show took place in Germany. From all over the country the best Red Holstein and Holstein show cows were brought to Alsfeld and presented to the judges Thomas Hannen (Holstein) and Lambert Weinberg (Red Holstein) as well as to the numerous visitors. As soon as the first cows entered the beautifully designed show ring it was clear that the quality of the animals was high and it was not going to be an easy competition.
Looking at the results, many SYNETICS offsprings were ranked in the top placements and underlined once again the excellent genetic of our show type bulls.
In the Red Holstein 2-year old class the Avatar Red daughter THL Riga (Owner: Dierdorf GbR, Wipperfürth) made a brilliant start. She impressed judge Lambert Weinberg with her excellent topline and achieved 3rd place in her class.
Abbildung 1: Avatar Red daugter THL Riga, 1. La (Owner: Owner: Dierdorf GbR, Wipperfürth)

Very successful at Red Holstein Intermediate was the Dice Red daughter Hah Zulu 2nd La (Owner: Andreas Bewersdorff, Ruhwinkel). She gained a great 2nd place in her class and impressed with her excellent mammary system.
Abbildung 2: Dice Red daughter, 2. La Hah Zulu (Owner: Andreas Bewersdorff, Ruhwinkel)

In regard to the Red Holstein Senior class, there was no way getting around the Arino Red daughter RS Maryrose 3rd La (Owner: RS Strudthoff GbR, Dötlingen). She was not only first in her class, but also Reserve Senior Champion. She impressed the judge not only with a formidable udder, but also with an impeccable feet and legs.
Abbildung 3: Arino Red-Tochter RS Maryrose 3. La (Owner: RS Strudthoff GbR, Dötlingen) Photo: Guillaume Moy

Among the black Holstein Young cows the Topstone daughter Godja (Owner: Weser-Milch Lünschen KG, Loxstedt) proved to be very successful and placed second in her class. Judge Thomas Hannen was impressed about her balance as well as her udder, which was named the best in her class.
Abbildung 4: Topstone Tochter Godja, 1. La (Owner: Weser-Milch Lünschen KG, Loxstedt)

And also the Darlingo daughters Delana, 2nd La (owner: Weser-Milch Lünschen, Loxstedt) and RS Icekönigin, 3rd La (owner: Strudthoff GbR, Dötlingen) achieved great results in their respective classes of Holstein Intermediate with a 2nd and a 4th place. While Delana's particularly firm udder attachment was highlighted, RS Icekönigin impressed above all with her enormous length, her harmonious body transitions as well as a top udder.
Abbildung 5: Darlingo-Töchter Delana, 2. La (Owner: Weser-Milch Lünschen, Loxstedt)

In addition to Holstein lovers, Brown Swiss, Jersey and Fleckvieh lovers also had a taste of their own. Since 2019, GDS has also offered these breeds a stage to present their best offspring.
And here, too, SYNETICS bull offsprings were able to achieve great placements.
In the group of Jerseys the Dilbert P daughter GWH Lilly GWH Lilly, 2nd La (Gerbothe-Wiesner GbR, Hohenstein) was very successful. She convinced judge Lambert Weinberg with her perfect udder and finished 5th in her class,
Abbildung 7: Dilbert P daughter GWP Lilly, 2. La (Owner: Gerbothe-Wiesner GbR, Hohenstein)

Furthermore, 5 great places could be achieved by SYNETICS Fleckvieh offsprings. While the Sisyphus daughter Adele (owner: Hofmayr GbR, Roggenburg) reached the 4th place in her class in the Fleckvieh Young, the Herzfeuer daughters Liverpo, 1st La (owner: Friedrich Boehm, Tapfheim) and Buschwindröschen, 1st La (owner: Georg Maurer, Blaufelden-Engelhardshausen) reached the 4th and 7th place in their class respectively.
A great 7th place was also achieved by the Herzpochen daughter Gnocci (Owner: Joachim Keller, Allmendingen) in the Fleckvieh Intermediate and Wattgold daughter Aprilla (Owner: Philipp Ewald, Braeunlingen) in the Fleckvieh Senior. While Gnocci impressed judge Peter Stöckler with her excellent attached udder, great feet and iegs as well as her rump angle, Aprilla was praised for her excellent harmony and udder balance.
Abbildung 8: Wattgold daughter Aprilla (Owner: Philipp Ewald, Braeunlingen)

As always in life, everything must come to an end. The end of the GDS 2023 was the election of the Supreme Champion across all breeds on Saturday afternoon. Equipped with back sashes, all breed winners entered the darkened ring for this. Silent as a mouse, the question "Who will win the title of Supreme Champion?" was answered a few minutes later.
In the end, the judges' decision was in favour of Elina from the MASTERRIND area. A shower of sparks rained down right and left in the ring and the big trophy were handed over. A fitting happy ending to an extremely successful show that could not have gone better from both SYNETIC's and MASSTERIND's point of view. As the leading European cattle genetics company, we are proud to have seen many successful offspring of our bulls at the show.
Abbildung 9: Supreme Grand Champion: Elina von Wilcor Holsteins aus Warmsen Photo: Guillaume Moy